Maxime Vincent

Programmer in Montréal

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My projects

Klemn (Semester group project)

Social network for programmers and other IT people. The site includes networking features and collaboration features as well as a great attention to detail with a colourful and animated interface. The back-end consists of an ExpressJS server, as well as Firebase for authentication with username/password, for authentication with Passkeys and MySQL for the database. The front-end uses React, Typescript, Framer Motion for animations and Firebase for session management.

Construction Delamain

Made with React, Typescript, Firebase and CSS. The site includes an "administrator" section that allows the administrator to perform CRUD operations from a user-friendly interface.

Peyabeille (Semester group project)

E-commerce site for bee-related products that uses React, NextJS, ExpressJS, Oracle Database and MongoDB. This site includes a management interface that allows the administrator to add, modify and delete products as well as read messages and comments sent by customers.


Bitsteward is a Linux native client for the open-source password manager Bitwarden adapted for the GNOME desktop environment. The project is open source and uses Python, GTK 4, LibAdwaita as well as Bitwarden's serve command of the bw CLI tool to serve as an API. The development of the program has been mostly stopped to focus on my studies.

Hostile to JMP

Hostile to JMP est un site visant à offrir une interface plus conviviale au Hostile to JMP is a website that aims to offer a more user-friendly interface to JMP.Chat's wiki. The site uses HTML, CSS and Javascript for the interface and it uses Python to fetch the CSV data from the site and format it as JSON periodically using a CRON job.


Project made with Flutter and Dart that aims to improve the process of creating a conversation with the JMP.Chat service. The application allows to select people from the device's contacts to allow users to create conversations and groups faster. The idea of this application was born when the official JMP.Chat application did not yet have the functionality to create conversations from the device's contacts.